Produktinformation gällande Universal Metal Seam Clamp G2

Det har upptäckts att det kan uppstå en glipa på cirka 1 millimeter mellan G3-klämman och modulramar som har en tjocklek på 30 millimeter. Mer information finns i utlåtandet enligt nedan. Informationen kommer från vårt globala huvudkontor och är på engelska. I Sverige hänvisar vi frågor gällande informationen till info(_at_) eller vår växel på telefonnummer 08-400 267 55.
Dear Premium Partners,
According to the current design status of the G2 sheet metal seam clamp, in combination with modules with 30 mm frame height and direct mounting of these modules on the G2 sheet metal seam clamp with G3 clamps, the screw of the G3 clamp stands up on the bottom of the groove channel of the G2 sheet metal seam clamp. This results in a distance of 1 mm between the clamping part of the G3 clamp and the module frame. As a result, the clamp does not secure the module or does not secure it sufficiently and the modules can detach from the roof. We have already summarised the possible solutions we have identified at the end of this letter.
All installations built with the sheet metal seam clamp and module frame heights greater than 30 mm are not affected by this process. Systems that were built with two layers (support profile between sheet metal seam clamp and module) are also not affected.
If the installation is carried out according to the installation guidelines and the installation torque of the module clamps is set correctly, the above-mentioned combination cannot be installed in this way, which would probably already have been noticed by your installers. If, according to your documentation, such a set-up has nevertheless been carried out, we ask you to inform us immediately if you have installed the above-mentioned combination in your systems. We will then advise you promptly on the possibilities for replacing the components.
Thank you for your assistance and your trust!
Have sun!
Your IBC SOLAR team